Trainer doing a back squat at downtown Calgary's Fifth Avenue Club

Personal Training

Measurable Progress Made Simple

Whether you are new to the club or a veteran member, utilizing our high-quality personal trainers is a surefire way to get the most out of your club membership. Fifth Avenue Club trainers, with their diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, will hold you accountable to your fitness goals by providing knowledge, enthusiasm, motivation, and inspiration.

Kai spotting Amber on the bench press at Fifth Avenue Club

Training Options


The ultimate in personalization = the ultimate in results.


Stay committed not only to each other, but also to your goals

Small Group

Feed off a group dynamic at a lower cost.

To book your personal training session, please fill out our intake form below.

Intake Form


Looking to try us out? Start your 7-day FREE trial.*

Our complimentary Mini-Membership gives you a week-long opportunity to experience first-hand all that we have to offer. Fill out the form below and we will get you started right away.

Thank you! Please check your inbox for a confirmation email.
If you do not see the confirmation email in a few minutes, check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder.
Once your email is confirmed you will receive an email about your Mini-Membership (this may take a few minutes).
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Thank you! Please check your inbox for a confirmation email.
If you do not see the confirmation email in a few minutes, check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder.
Once your email is confirmed you will receive an email about your Mini-Membership (this may take a few minutes).
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The Mini Membership is available to local residents of Calgary and surrounding area who are first-time visitors and 18+ years of age.

*$49 deposit for access card